We hope that this website provides some necessary information regarding Senior year and the college application process. Please see the tabs at the top of this page for specific College Application Information.
Google Classroom
If you have not already joined the Google classroom for the Class of 2025 please do so now by clicking the following link: classroom.google.com/c/MjYxMTkwOTE0MDEx Classroom code: 57xvwpn Counselor Meetings:
Counselors will be meeting with seniors in small groups at the beginning of September. If you would like to schedule an individual appointment after that meeting, please visit the counseling office or e-mail your individual counselor. A – Cor Mrs. King Cos - Hal Mr. Trottier Ham - Kr Mrs. Falkowski Ks – N Mrs. Bellomo O – Si Mrs. Clement Sj – Z Ms. Parliament |
Parents and students, if you haven't done so already, please click on the buttons below and fill out the information sheets: